You will only ever see me doing 3 things, and I say NO to everything else.

Spending time with the people I love

Serving through Coaching & Performing

Travel & Adventure


 Why I am the best at what I do, the way I do it!

Because the best coaches, only always, have a coach too. So here is an insight to the journey I’ve been on in order to serve YOU as powerfuly as I do.

I got radically honest with where I was. What I was allowing. Who I was being. Where I was spending most of my energy. I grew aware of where I had become disconnected to the things that I truly wanted, where I wasn’t standing in my truth & what beliefs I was living by day to day. I began through this process, to recognise my power again and built an understanding & honesty of the things that I love.

So I had a choice

Live in the conditioning that lead to taking action based on fear & people pleasing OR lean into my new found awareness and choose courage to claim it!

I chose COURAGE & got to work on creating everything I desired from this place of alignment. 

The result? I built a business & income that meant I could work anywhere in the world AND spend present time with the people I love. I also started to perform again and have built my own shows and opportunities, paving my own way and only always doing what I love!

I continue to commit to the work on myself so that I catch thoughts & beliefs that don’t serve me so I continue to create powerfully from a place of alignment. And this is why I am ONLY ALWAYS in the work too!

I am so passionate about guiding YOU on this journey too, and helping you unlock your potential & create possibility in your life that you didn’t even realise was available to you!

‘I help women find their power so much so, they are like, OMFG where have you been my whole life!’

An omfg moment is when something occurs in your world that creates joy, fulfilment, excitement & gratitude. They are a bi product of the commitment to your growth & evolution and what you begin to experience daily when you step into one of my spaces. The more aware & present you become, the more Omfg moments occur. The more committed & consistent you become, the more Omfg moments occur. The more you co create with the universe and step into aligned action, the more Omfg moments occur.


I help you to recognise your power, build the courage to claim it, then use it to create everything you ever wanted. When you step into my world you will create long term, sustainable results by taking action in alignment with your truth. I will take you from unfulfilled to on top of the world & living your life every sing day. You can start your journey in the 'recognise, claim, create' signature Masterclass series, moving into the 6 week VIP mastermind. Or the ULTIMATE commitment of a 1-1 coaching container.


Performing has been a part of me from a very young age. I don’t feel whole without performing & on stage I feel at home. With performing & paving my own way being a passion of mine, I have created shows that bring memorable experiences for audiences all over the UK. Check out the latest on my upcoming shows on the Hattie J Production page!